Monday, November 26, 2018


I know we can all have peace no matter our circumstance if we choose to be grateful and fill our hearts with gratitude

How do we fill our hearts with gratitude?

Humility is the foundation.
·     In Kevin Hall’s book Aspire he said “Humility is one of the most misunderstood and misapplied words in all of language. Humility is not being passive and submissive it is about being teachable.” 
·     The root word “humus” is soil specifically rich dark organic soil when a seed is planted in fertile soil it transforms into something far greater, Humility produces growth. 
·     We see this principle taught in the Book of Mormon in Alma 62:41 
·     41 But behold, because of the exceedingly great length of the war between the Nephites and the Lamanites many had become hardened,….; and many were softened because of their aafflictions, insomuch that they did humble themselves before God, even in the depth of humility.
o  These people had the same experience of a long hard war, and yet there were two opposite outcomes some were hardened some became humble
o  Like them, we too experience hard trials and we have a choice how to respond. 
o  If we choose to be humble we are softing our hearts so the Lord can bless us. 
o  A humble heart is a grateful heart. 
o  When Lehi’s family was suffering in the wilderness we see clearly the power of gratitude.  Lamen said it would have been better if they had died then to have suffered so many afflictions and Nephi speaking of the same experience expressed gratitude saying that the Lord had greatly blessed them and that their women were strong and able to produce milk for their children and that they were able to journey without murmuring. Because they were humble and teachable they were able to see their  experience differently which filled their hearts with gratitude. 
·     What we look for is what we find

I try to write in my journal daily; about a month ago I changed how I start my journal entries. I began to write a list of what I am grateful for that day. In the beginning it was a real challenge trying to find what to be grateful for… over time my lists become longer and much easier to write. I believe that studying gratitude and making the effort of to find the good changed my outlook. 

Now it’s become more natural to see how the Lord is blessing me even in right in the midst of disappointments or hard days. We are all different so we will all use different strategies for finding and focusing on gratitude, but the miracle is the same.  We find peace and deliverance. 

The scriptures share many stories of deliverance for the followers of Christ both as groups and as individuals. 

One example is the story of the stripling warriors. They went into battle young and inexperienced it was not an easy road, but they had gratitude in their hearts for what mothers had taught them, and they were delivered. Every one of them made it back, but its important to know that it wasn’t with out injury. 

 Deliverance doesn’t mean that our problems will be taken away from us or that we wont be wounded in our battles. But like the stripling warriors the Lord will see us through them. With gratitude in our hearts we are able to feel the enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, even the worst of circumstances. 

Another example of deliverance is the story of the 10 lepers. Hank Smith makes this point, “ The 10 lepers is about expressing gratitude, and not just being grateful. All ten felt grateful. Jesus had healed them from a life of misery they were healed. Only one took the time to come back and express gratitude. He was made whole. Don’t just feel grateful. Say something.” 

The first step is recognizing the Lords hand but the true power comes from expressing it, either to our Father in Heaven or to his children. 

 Being grateful shouldn’t be exclusive to holidays or November but should be apart of our daily lives.

President Hinckley urged us  Walk with gratitude in your hearts, my dear friends. Be thankful for the wonderful blessings, which are yours. Be grateful for the tremendous opportunities that you have. Express appreciation to everyone who does you a favor or assists you in any way. 

We can’t afford to wait for life to be perfect to be grateful. We can find things to be grateful for all along the way, even in our trials.

Caleb and I have had a really hard time building our family. We have waited a long time but choose to have gratitude for what we do have. We are able to travel and build strong relationships with our nieces and nephews and other family members. 

I have a testimony that when we fill our hearts with gratitude there isn’t room for worry or unhappiness. We are delivered from these and other tools of Satan. Instead we find peace in the prince of Peace. I know He lives and wants us to be happy.