Monday, July 10, 2017

Be Not Deceived Jacob 5-6 Study

Choo choooooooo, Here comes the truth train. . . . I have been feeling under the weather and have been slacking on my reading. I still don’t feel great, but I have decided that I have got to get back to my Book of Mormon study. Right now I am reading with the theme of “Be Not Deceived”. 

As I started my study back in April, my sister-in-law also wanted to study under this theme. We have been checking in and sharing what we have been learning. It’s always nice to have someone to be accountable to. This morning I text Brit and said, “I am a slacker, I have got to get back on track”. After I text her, I set my timer and dove into the Book of Mormon, Jacob 5, which is the allegory of the olive tree (awesome awesome chapter), sadly  wasn’t speaking to me. Do you ever feel like that when your reading the scriptures? You want to feel inspired and it’s just not coming?  I wasn’t getting a lot out it, so I kept on going and got to Jacob 6. As I was reading that sweet Spirit settled on my heart and began to teach me. 
The writing on the paper says,"
·         Be Not Deceived BOM
July 10, 2017
I found this quote from Neal A. Maxwell from his talk " Repentance" inthe anguishing process of repentance, we may sometimes feel God has deserted us. The reality is that our behavior has isolated us from Him. Thus, while we are turning away from evil but have not yet turned fully to God, we are especially vulnerable. Yet we must not give up, but, instead, reach out to God’s awaiting arm of mercy, which is outstretched “all the day long.”  Unlike us, God has no restrictive office hours. No part of walking by faith is more difficult than walking the road of repentance. However, with “faith unto repentance,” we can push roadblocks out of the way, moving forward to beg God for mercy. Alma 34:16 True contrition brings full capitulation. One simply surrenders, caring only about what God thinks, not what “they” think, while meekly offering, “O God, … make thyself known unto me, and I will give away all my sins to know thee.” Giving away all our sins is the only way we can come to know God.

I think that’s why Satan would love us not to read the Book the Mormon, and not to pray because the scriptures give us so much hope and a feeling of love from our Heavenly Father. As I was talking to Britt today she said that she is feeling such a difference when she is reading! I thought ooo my heck!!! That’s what President Hinckley taught when he said.... "Without reservation I promise you that if each of you will observe this simple program, regardless of how many times you previously may have read the Book of Mormon, there will come into your lives and into your homes an added measure of the Spirit of the Lord, a strengthened resolution to walk in obedience to His commandments, and a stronger testimony of the living reality of the Son of God. “That is my favorite thing about studying is that you really can feel the spirit, you feel a physical difference!!!

Verse 2, 4&5 jumped out to me! This message was coming: Heavenly Father is aware of us, and sending His Son soon to redeem us came through in verse 2. Then on to verse 4 “how merciful is our God unto us, for he remembereth the house of Israel”. Verse 5 hit me hard, about the power of repentance. I am so imperfect and it makes me so happy to know that all of us have the opportunity to use the atonement and be redirected back to our Heavenly Father. Reading the Book of Mormon under the theme “Be Not Deceived” has made me realize that Satan doesn’t want us to know or remember this, he wants us to feel hopeless, to feel like you have gone to far. Please never ever believe that! You have the most powerful, loving, and all knowing man on your side, He gave his Son so that you could return to him!! Your valued and loved, and when we read the Book of Mormon we can feel that love through the Holy Ghost. About half through my study I get the sweetest text I just have to share (with permission).
Screen shot of the convo

That is the promise of the Book of Mormon, when you read you will feel the spirit!! Don’t miss out!! Anyone can read and learn from this Book!! IT has changed my life and know it will change yours!!


  1. Love this! Thank you for sharing! I've been trying to get back into really FEASTING on the scriptures because I've been slacking and feeling it. I need an increase of the Spirit in my life right now. So, I'm studying the Old Testament (The simplified, directed study plan that Mom Lowe developed and put together for her older grandkids - loving it!) And, you'll appreciate this, for the FIRST TIME ever, I started got a Bom and had a topic printed on the front. I've been doing a unique version of my own BoM study (I'll have to share in person cause it's kind of embarrassing) but it's been SUPER fun & exciting for me. It's sure made that copy really special to me. Do thank you, again, for your example. Love you!

    1. Thats sooo great!!!! Can't wait to see!!!! Your idea's are always so cool. Your amazing Cass Love you more!!! XOXO
