The Church Starts preparations for General Conference in Advance… Shouldn’t we too??? General Conference is one of my favorite times of the year!!! I love hearing from the leaders of the church. When the conference is over I always feel recharged and excited to make changes and improvements. It is a time of reflection and learning.
I wanted to share some ways to prepare for this special weekend so that we are able to capitalize on this event that only happens twice a year.
1= Block out the Days for both
Saturday and Sunday Sessions
The first key is to block out the time of General Conference. This looks different depending what season of life you are in. When I was young my Mother knew it would be hard to contain four troublemakers for the both sessions on Saturday. So my parents planned to take us on a picnic that just happened to be a few hours away. We would be restrained and listening while we drove and then during the break we would have lunch and play and then drive home also listening to conference. When we were older we would play bingo and get treats for answering questions. Now that it’s just Caleb and I we try to make sure we don’t make any plans and we watch and take notes from the session. I am a firm believer that when we take time for General Conference we are greatly blessed for our efforts. When we make little efforts it not only teaches patterns but it is also those small steps that make the biggest difference.
2= Prepare Questions
Elder Neil L. Anderson said, “As you listen, the messages you receive may be very literal or they may be customized just for you.
I promise you that as you prepare your spirit and come with the anticipation that you will hear the voice of the Lord, thoughts and feelings will come into your mind that are customized especially for you. You have already felt them in this conference, or you will as you study the messages in the weeks ahead.”
Coming with questions to general conference, gives me something to look for while listening to the meetings. I have received many answers during the meeting and find even more when I study the talks after.
3= Have a list for improvements and changes
that need to be made
“President Boyd K. Packer … has a question he often asks when we have made a presentation or given some sort of exhortation to one another in the Twelve. He looks up as if to say, ‘Are you through?’ And then says to the speaker … ,“‘Therefore, what?’ I think that is what the Savior answered day in and day out as an inseparable element of His teaching and preaching. … These sermons and exhortations were to no avail if the actual lives of His disciples did not change” ---Jeffery Holland
We can't just walk away after conference and go back to the same ol things. We need to make those changes to become better. I make a list of improvements or things that I can change to be better, so that I don't forget.
Here are a few videos that go perfectly with this topic
Video on Preparations made for conference
Our preparation affects what we gain from general conference.
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